
Experts to Address the Future of Transportation, Technology and Lifestyle in the United States

Monday, August 17, 2009

Experts to Address the Future of Transportation, Technology and Lifestyle in the United States

Volkswagen Group of America lead sponsor for symposium featuring environmental, business, regulatory and academic leaders

HERNDON, Va., Aug. 14 /PRNewswire/ — Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. is the main sponsor of “Mobility 2030: Transportation Technologies & Lifestyle of the Future” organized by the German American Chamber of Commerce (GACC). At the event, which takes place in San Francisco on August 18, international experts will present future scenarios for the year 2030 in the fields of politics, energy, technology, transport and lifestyle.

Speakers will include senior executives from Volkswagen, Siemens, the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), Union of Concerned Scientists, California High Speed Rail, California Energy Commission and many others. Topics include: policy changes in California leading to global innovation, cutting-edge vehicle technology including low-carbon options, green goods movement and the future of neighborhood structures.

Experts to Address the Future of Transportation, Technology and Lifestyle in the United States