Archive for April, 2008


Brambleton “Grass Police” are out enforcing Brambletonian Covenants again!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Brambleton HOA says… (quote)

“Some weather forecasters are calling for rain again this weekend.  If your grass is 4-6 inches high or more, please try to mow your yard before the next rain storm rolls in.  Your grass and your neighbors will appreciate it!

Brambleton has recorded covenants that govern the manner in which an owner maintains their lot.  The full version Property Maintenance Standards can be found in the Brambleton Design Guidelines on page 10.

Property Standards & Suggested Guidelines Related to Turf and Landscaping Upkeep

  1. All portions of a lot which are not improved by an impervious surface or a structure must be maintained with grass; or other vegetation installed by a builder or approved by the Covenants Committee.
  2. No bare earth may be exposed on a lot (except for flower beds with appropriate approvals, as required).  Landscape beds should be neatly edged and mulched. 
  3. All turf areas on a lot must be kept neatly mowed during the growing season. Grass should not be permitted to exceed six (6) inches in height.  Cool-season grasses should be cut at 3 – 3 1/2 inches.  Sidewalks adjacent to turf should be neatly edged.  Large amounts of clippings should not be allowed to accumulate on lawn, sidewalk, driveway or street.
  4. Turf areas and other vegetation should be watered during dry periods. Any dead plants, shrubs or trees should be immediately removed and should be replaced with an identical species.
  5. Turf areas should be kept as weed free as possible. At no time should weed cover exceed more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total turfed area.  Fertilizer, pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control should be applied in accordance to the manufacturers label and your lawns needs.
  6. No trash or debris may accumulate or be stored in a visible location on a lot.  Construction materials required for the improvement of a home or lot should be neatly stored in as unobtrusive a location on the lot as possible when not in use.
  7. All hedges, trees and shrubs must be neatly trimmed and maintained and their size maintained in proportion to the lot and home through pruning.  All tree stakes and wires should be removed after one full growing season from the initial planting.  Landscaping should not obstruct sidewalks, trails, driveways or sight distance at an intersection.

The “Grass Police” will be out next week and every week going forward.  All residents are reminded that the association can self-correct violations on an owner’s lot if due process is followed.  The Association’s Due Process Resolution requires a 10-day corrective period to be given once the notice of a violation is given.  If the violation is not corrected within 10 days, the Association can self-correct the violation at the owner’s expense.  The cost for the Association to mow a single-family attached home with a yard that is in violation is $100; and a single-family detached yard is $150.  I am sure everyone can find a better way to spend that money. 

Brambleton Community Association and your neighbors thank you for your compliance with Brambleton’s covenants, rules and regulations.”

Post reprinted from Brambleton public services reminder email dated 4/29/2008 from


New York Times Article Sent By the National Association of Realtors: The Housing Market Crisis is Going International

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Frustratingly interesting evidence of the BANDWAGON Phenomenon.

This editorial is about ethics and the power speech has to affect our lives. If you are a staunch freedom of speech supporter who lends no credibility to the power of the spoken, implied, or printed word, then chances are you are going to disagree with me wholeheartedly. Today, the National Association of Realtor newsletter came ’round to my emailbox, and one of the first links to click was to an article published by the New York Times about the housing market bubble expanding internationally. That makes it official, I guess. [When the NAR releases NYT reports, I tend to believe their sources are substantiated and the issue is no longer a headline ploy to sell more subscriptions to the World Weekly News, National Enquirer, or some other Post.]

Enter the philosophical aspect of my ethical angst: not just an American phenomenon anymore, one has to wonder the effects of press theorizing so much about possible negatives that they eventually make the feared outcome come true. Just as a person spreading a vicious lie to contaminate the appearance of a good person’s character is effective because even if they can’t prove their case, the person will always be held publicly suspect and in question, the media–in their quest to expose a big story–has purposefully and deliberately hammered away at the real estate market to no good end.

At some point, we hope the media will accept some of the accountability for the damage done to the public wealth by so negatively attacking Realtors and the housing market. The New York Times seems to have spearheaded a good portion of the press, and made sure this outcome was unavoidable by allowing their subsidiary papers to publish negative real estate articles front page and center–long before any evidence of a “bubble burst” was even created. Technically, the media has acted like a slanderous bully, only with no one person capable of pointing a “libel” finger, they have flexed their muscles and gotten the outcome they set out to create.

The media wins. Prices have dropped, and families worldwide are feeling the impact of the harm that inflammatory reporting has been doing.

Whatever sells a headline, though. Right? Right?

This article is just my quiet (or not so quiet) opinion and expression of remorseful embarrassment of how the American media reporters and mogul conglomerates have been behaving. If one small person who is a resident of the United States voice matters, to the world–for this and all the other ills created by folks here operating without any forethought or recklessly without regard to the outcome of what 5th amendment rights unchecked are capable of creating, I feel very ashamed and terribly sorry. In my corner of the world, I’m working hard to make sure I publicly express the OTHER side of the story.

Regardless of price point, there are incredible people and phenomenal communities all over the globe. There are families and friends who are good to one another. there are billions of wonderful conscious acts done every day by people. If the media  could manage to discover that headlines ought to be more about promoting civilized society and subjective good, while factually and objectively reporting the statistical news and keeping the negatives reported with an ending to the article on how humans could improve, then perhaps rather than causing crashes, panics, and collapse they might actually create a revival of human spirit, community service, and do the entire globe some good.

Before you get upset and feel victimized by the housing market mess, remember–we have the power to diffuse many negitives by the positive community building work we do.

At any rate, read on for more information from the New York Times. However, before spreading more news of sadness, try to also identify in your own mind something about the situation that also brings positive news. What we are witnessing is the slippery slope effect of being able to print whatever we feel like, whenever we want, substantiated or not, and doing so intentionally. Why? To have a group of people somewhere feel powerful and show media prowess by manipulating emotions and consciousness of the masses to create a measurable “look what we did” success. I don’t know who in the real estate industry offended the media higher-ups, but it certainly has had a far reaching and difficult to overcome domino effect for the rest of us, not just in the States–but now globally thanks in a huge part to the US press.

Kae Davis, one little Realtor in VA

–sad to see the American press v. NAR wars negatively affect the world

April 14, 2008

Housing Woes in U.S. Spread Around Globe



DUBLIN — The collapse of the housing bubble in the United States is mutating into a global phenomenon, with real estate prices swooning from the Irish countryside and the Spanish coast to Baltic seaports and even parts of northern India.

This synchronized global slowdown, which has become increasingly stark in recent months, is hobbling economic growth worldwide, affecting not just homes but jobs as well.

In Ireland, Spain, Britain and elsewhere, housing markets that soared over the last decade are falling back to earth. Property analysts predict that some countries, like this one, will face an even more wrenching adjustment than that of the United States, including the possibility that the downturn could become a wholesale collapse.

To some extent, the world’s problems are a result of American contagion. As home financing and credit tightens in response to the crisis that began in the subprime mortgage market, analysts worry that other countries could suffer the mortgage defaults and foreclosures that have afflicted California, Florida and other states.

Citing the reverberations of the American housing bust and credit squeeze, the International Monetary Fund last Wednesday cut its forecast for global economic growth this year and warned that the malaise could extend into 2009.

“The problems in the U.S. are being transmitted to Europe,” said Michael Ball, professor of urban and property economics at the University of Reading in Britain, who studies housing prices. “What’s happening now is an awful lot more grief than we expected.”

For countries like Ireland, where prices were even more inflated than in the United States, it has been a painful education, as homeowners learn the American vocabulary of misery.

“We know we’re already in negative equity,” said Emma Linnane, a 31-year-old university administrator.

She bought a cozy, one-bedroom apartment in the Dublin suburbs with her fiancé, Paul Colgan, in May 2006, at the peak of the market. They paid $575,000 — at least $100,000 more than it would fetch today. “I sometimes get shivers thinking about it,” Ms. Linnane said, “but I’ll let the reality hit me when I go to sell it.”

That reality is spreading. Once-sizzling housing markets in Eastern Europe and the Baltic states are cooling rapidly, as nervous Western Europeans stop buying investment properties in Warsaw, Tallinn, Estonia and other real estate Klondikes.

Further east, in India and southern China, prices are no longer surging. With stock markets down sharply after reaching heady levels, people do not have as much cash to buy property. Sales of apartments in HongKong, a normally hyperactive market, haveslowed recently, with prices for mass-market flats starting to drop.

In New Delhi and other parts of northern India, prices have fallen 20 percent over the last year. Sanjay Dutt, an executive director in the Mumbai office of Cushman & Wakefield, the real estate firm, describes it as an erosion of confidence.

Much of the retrenchment seems to be following the basic law of gravity: what goes up must come down. With low interest rates helping to inflate housing bubbles in many countries, economists said the confluence of falling prices was predictable, if unsettling.

This is not the first housing downturn to cross borders, but its reverberations have been amplified by the integration of financial markets. When faulty American mortgages end up on the books of European banks, the problems of the United States aggravate the world’s problems.

Consider Britain, which had one of Europe’s most robust housing markets, with less of an oversupply than in Ireland or Spain. Then last summer came the subprime crisis across the Atlantic.

Within two months, mortgage approvals dropped 31 percent, compared with the previous year. And by March, average housing prices had fallen 2.5 percent, the largest monthly decline since 1992.

“The boom in house prices was actually much bigger here than in the U.S.,” said Kelvin Davidson, an economist at Capital Economics in London. “If anything, people should be more worried than in the U.S.”

Britain has one of the most developed home-financing industries, not far behind that of the United States. The amount of outstanding mortgage debt, as a share of total economic output, is higher there than in the United States, according to a study by the International Monetary Fund.

“The U.K. followed the U.S. into never-never land, pushing mortgages out the door, believing that prices would go up forever,” said Allan Saunderson, the managing editor of Property Finance Europe, a newsletter for investors.

Still, the problems in Britain pale next to those of Spain and Ireland. Residential investment accounts for 12 percent of the Irish economy and 9 percent of the Spanish economy, compared with 5 percent in Britain and 4 percent in the United States, according to the I.M.F.

The glut of housing has brought new construction to a standstill, driving up unemployment and dimming the prospects for two of Europe’s stellar performers over the last decade.

“We’re waking up from the property dream and finding ourselves in a situation where prices are falling in Spain for the first time,” said Fernando Encinar, a founder of, a real estate Web site.

In Spain, more than four million homes were built in the last decade, more than in Germany, Britain and France combined. Average house prices tripled in parts of the country, as Spain’s torrid economy attracted immigrants and Northern Europeans snapped up holiday homes along the Costa del Sol.

Now, though, thousands of those houses stand empty. The I.M.F. estimates that property is overvalued by more than 15 percent. With mortgages drying up and prices swooning, speculators who once viewed Spanish property as a no-lose proposition are confronting hard reality.

In 2005, Julian Felipe Fernandez bought three small apartments, as an investment, in a huge development being built outside Madrid. He paid 100,000 euros as a deposit for the units, and now he is eager to sell them to avoid having to taking on a costly mortgage. But with the market stalled, Mr. Fernandez’s asking price is what he paid for them.

“Three years ago, it looked like I would be able to flip them for a nice profit before they were finished,” he said. “I just want to get them off my hands, to get rid of this headache.”

If he unloads them, he will be lucky. Enric Bueno, head of marketing for Ibusa, a real estate company in Barcelona, said his firm was closing six or seven sales a month, compared with40 a month a year ago.

“Things are really bad,” Mr. Buenosaid. “If this goes on for five years, we won’t make it.”

Economists have been busy cutting their growthforecasts for Spain, with a few saying that it may stagnate this summer. BBVA, a leading Spanish bank, forecasts that unemployment will rise to an average of 11 percent this year, from 8.6 percent in 2007.

Such cutbacks are well under way in Ireland, where the taxi drivers complain that their ranks are being swollen by laid-off home builders. The housing collapse has brought an abrupt end to more than a decade of pell-mell growth that earned Ireland the nickname “the Celtic tiger.”

Today, the mood in this country feels like a wake, and not an Irish one. Average house prices fell 7 percent last year, the most in Europe, according to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, a British real estate group. They are likely to fall by a similar amount this year.

After a 16-year boom that was interrupted only briefly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Ireland has the most overvalued housing market among developed countries, according to the I.M.F. In its recent economic outlook, the fund calculated that prices are 30 percent higher than they should be, given Ireland’s economic fundamentals.

For many Irish, accepting that reality is like passing through the seven stages of grief. Some homeowners are still in denial, brokers said, asking $5 million for houses worth no more than $4 million. But developers have begun cutting prices for smaller apartments like the one owned by Emma Linnane.

“Last year was our ‘wake up in the middle of the night with sweat pouring down your face’ period,” said David Bewley, a director at the Lisney real estate agency. “Now we’ve grown up.”

Not all the omens are negative. Mr. Bewley said houses were selling again, albeit for 25 percent less. Ireland has not yet suffered widespread incidences of defaulting mortgages or foreclosures in this downturn, in part because lenders havenot been as aggressive as those in the United States.

But some worry that the housing meltdown could spoil Ireland’s recipe for success. Like Spain, it attracted lots of foreign workers, many of whom came for well-paying jobs in the construction industry. That fueled the Irish rental market, which has remained buoyant and been a source of income for Ireland’s many real estate speculators.

“If the immigrants go back home, will this hurt the rental market?” asked Ronan O’Driscoll, a director in the Dublin office of Savills, a real estate firm. “If that happens, it would definitely cause foreclosures.”

Reporting was contributed by Victoria Burnett in Madrid, Eamon Quinn in Dublin, Heather Timmons in New Delhi and Julia Werdigier in London.

Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company


Private Tutoring in Northern Virginia: An FAQ Interview with Amanda Medders and the Staff of Tri-Ed Tutoring

Monday, April 21, 2008

About Private Tutoring

EverythingAshburn.COM is pleased to personally know about a private tutoring company offering its services to the residents of Northern Virginia, and with permission from the company owner, we’re reprinting an interview that includes answers to frequently asked questions about private tutoring.

What is your “Mission Statement”?

The Mission of Tri-Ed Tutoring, LLC is to provide individualized instruction to its students in order to give them the confidence and skills needed for academic success. At Tri-Ed Tutoring, LLC, we believe that every student can succeed and it is our job to help them realize their abilities and accomplish their goals.

Tell us about the History of Tri-Ed Tutoring?

Tri-Ed Tutoring, LLC was founded by Amanda Medders. She holds a Master’s in Teaching and is licensed to teach in the state of Virginia. Amanda has over five years of tutoring experience and is a member of the National Tutors Association. She is an experienced tutor dedicated to helping her students succeed and expects the same level of dedication from all of the tutors on the Tri-Ed team.

Tri-Ed Tutoring, LLC offers one-on-one tutoring for all subjects and grade levels including SAT test prep. We currently have tutors available in all Northern Virginia and DC metro areas, and are expanding further South to Richmond in 2008/2009, North to Baltimore, Maryland in 2008 and up through Pennsylvania in 2009 and 2010.

We work around your busy schedule to find a time and location that is convenient for you. You pick the spot, whether it be your home, a library, the local book store, or your favorite Starbucks or WIFI friendly restaurant and our tutors come to you! For that reason, working with a private tutor is not only fun and rewarding academically, we take the stress away from parents and students, too.

Where does private tutoring take place?

The tutoring can take place in the student’s home, a public library, after-school facility, bookstore, etc. The tutor and student decide on a location where there will be a limited amount of distractions.

How many days a week should the tutoring take place?

This varies greatly between students. Most students start out with one hour a week per subject area that they would like to cover. If the student needs a significant amount of remedial work to catch him or her up, he or she may want to start out with 2-3 hours per week. The amount of hours per week can be increased or decreased at any time based on the student’s needs.

What do you work on during the tutoring sessions?

During the first session, the tutor will get an idea of what the student is working on in class and what the student’s strengths and weaknesses are. The tutor will do this by reviewing the work that the student has and his or her current lessons. It is a good idea for you or your child to have past tests and quizzes, report cards, comments from the teacher, or other information that would be useful for understanding the student’s needs during the first session. With parent’s permission, the tutor can contact the student’s teacher to better align the sessions with the classroom curriculum. After the tutor has a better idea of where the student is, the tutor may work on current class work, organization, study skills, remediation, enrichment, etc.

What qualifications do your tutors have?

All of our tutors have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. Our tutors include graduate or professional school students, certified teachers, and professionals with a love of teaching. The common thread between all of our tutors is their expertise in their subject matter and their desire to help their students succeed.

How is a tutor chosen?

The tutor is chosen based on the student’s needs. This includes information about the grade level of the student, location of the tutoring, subject(s) needed, preferred schedule, any special needs that the student may have, etc.

What if the tutor is not a good match for my son or daughter?

At Tri-Ed, we feel that one of the most important keys to success through tutoring is having a tutor that is a “good match” for the student. This means that a tutor should be able to effectively convey his or her message in a way that the student understands as well as be able to motivate the student to want to learn the material. If you do not feel like a good match has been made, please contact us at any time to discuss this issue.

How do I know if my son or daughter needs a tutor?

There are several signs that your child would benefit from a personal tutor. Some signs include:

  1. a sudden drop in the student’s grades,
  2. difficulty completing homework assignments,
  3. incomplete homework or class work,
  4.  lack of confidence or strong dislike of the subject matter,
  5. weak study skills,
  6. test anxiety and/or
  7. poor organizational skills.

A personal tutor can help target a student’s weak areas and help them work to improve in those areas.

What type of payment do you accept?

When you sign up for tutoring, you will receive an invoice for the hours that you intend to use during the remainder of that month. Every month after that, you will receive an invoice due at the beginning of the month for the hours you will use. (Ex: If you would like a tutor for 1hr/wk, you will be billed for 4 hrs. due on the first day of that month.) If you prefer to pay by check or money order, an invoice will be mailed to you. If you prefer to pay by credit or debit card, an invoice will be e-mailed to you. Tutoring sessions can be cancelled with no penalty 24 hours notice.




It’s Raining Outside, Too Hot, or Too Cold. What to DO? Go to the Movies In Ashburn. Maybe This Spring Take the Kids to See “Dr. Suess’ HORTON HEARS A WHO!”

Monday, April 21, 2008


Friends and Neighbors,

The link above includes information on movie theaters all over Northern Virginia, with its specific focus on those theaters in or near Ashburn Virginia in Loudoun County. It’s got great information for our South Riding, Chantilly, and Fairfax neighbors, too–as well as items for folks interested in taking a stroll over to Reston or out past Leesburg way.

We just figured that if you like driving the roads of NVA as much as we do, none of these theaters are too far away. Our favorite theater is still FOX CINEMAS in Brambleton (because it is beautiful, has stadium seating, and is close to the most amazing Thai food at “My Thai Place”), but we like all the others, too.


Jack and Kae


MY THAI PLACE is located in the Brambleton Town Center

(just a short walking distance or wheelchair commute to FOX CINEMAS)

Brambletonians like it sweet, sour, and super, super spicy.

42385 Ryan Road, # 104
(703) 327-5900
M-Th: 11:30 AM – 3 PM (lunch), 4:30 – 10 PM (dinner)
F-Sat: 11:30 AM – 3 PM (lunch), 4:30 – 11 PM (dinner)
Sun: 11:30 AM – 3 PM (lunch), 4:30 – 10 PM (dinner)



Fox Cinemas

2008 Summer Movie Schedule Just Listed (Subject to Change)

The official home of the Brambleton Movie Club.

22875 Brambleton Plaza
(703) 957-1035
11 AM – Midnight Daily

Crazy April Showers Rain in Northern Virginia and DC will hopefully bring MAY FLOWERS

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hello all! Keep your chin up even if you are feeling soggy–it’s been raining in Northern Virginia and the DC Metro area pretty hard and steady these past two days. After a stellar sunny and balmy breeze-warm weather forecast on Saturday, we had some big lightning and thunder storms usher the rainfall in to soften our dry dusty ground.

With allergy suffering residents in full sneeze these past few beautiful blooming weeks (with our cherry blossoms and red bud trees blossoming all around), we have to point out that while prolonged rain does typically dampen spirits, it certainly does help to wash things off and to keep the pollen down.

If you are curious about the upcoming forecast for our Loudoun County DC Metro Region, here’s a few links to help decide if you’ll be driving next week to a ball game somewhere in DC on the Dulles Greenway with that convertible top up or down.

Remember, when searching for news about local weather in Loudoun County our zip codes for Ashburn are 20147 (Ashburn Village) and 20148 (Brambleton)–a great place to live or visit and we are right in the center. – DC Metro Weather Forecast- The Weather Channel – Northern Virginia Weather Forecast

CNN – Weather Forecast for Washington DC

Intellicast – D.C. Regional Radar Weather Map

and our personal “home school friendly” science based favorite to use (because it has such user friendly comprehensive weather data and history figures)…

Wunderground – Dulles Technology Corridor Commuter Area Forecast


HERE IS HOW Brambleton Residents Cut Down on Junk Mail to be More ECO-FRIENDLY

Friday, April 18, 2008

Excerpt from the Brambleton “FRIDAY FLASH” on 04/18/2008

Junk Mail

Now is the perfect time to cut down on junk mail. Did you know that each year millions of trees and billions of gallons of water are used to create junk mail, most of which never gets recycled? There are several things you can do to reduce how much junk mail you receive.

  • Get off of national mailing lists by sending your name, address, and signature to: Mail Preference Service, c/o Direct Marketing Association, P.O. Box 643, Carmel, NY 10512.
  • Every time you subscribe to a magazine, buy something from a catalog or online store, or donate money, be sure to say (by phone or email): “Please do not rent or sell my name or address.” If you don’t want to receive catalogs or solicitations from charitable organizations, ask that your address not be added to any mailing lists.
  • Sign up for the free service Catalog Choice  to opt out of catalogs.
  • Call your credit card companies and banks to make sure your address isn’t sold. Say no to credit card offers by calling the credit reporting industry’s opt-out number: 888.567.8688.
  • Have your address removed from the Valpak  and Advo  mailing lists.
  • When you receive unwanted mail, take a minute to call the company (usually toll-free) to remove your address from its list.
  • Some companies will remove you from mailing lists for a fee. You can find them by doing an Internet search for “reduce junk mail.”
  • RECYCLE IT!  Brambleton’s trash disposal and recycling contractor accepts junk mail as recyclable material.

Ashburn 20148 and 20147 Restaurant Delivery: Dine In, Carry Out, or Have Someone Else DELIVER your Food Right to your Office of HOME

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

If you are a resident of Loudoun County and are interested in delivery or take out information, consider hiring “Carry Out Coach” to deliver your food right to you! They do have a $2.00 feul surcharge per order and add an automatic 18% delivery tip for their drivers, but the upside is you can order online or over the phone, and have a tasty lunch or dinner delivered to your office or home.

To us here at EverythingAshburn.COM, that sounds almost too good to be true–but we have verified the truth of their claims and heard great reviews! That’s why we are giving them a free press bump right here… because a wide range food delivery service business operating in Ashburn can only do good for our Northern Virginia community dining establishments.  To that end, Carry Out Coach, we hope your new business does good!

They deliver from our Loudoun County Restaurants to the following Subdivisions and communities:

  • Ashburn
  • Brambleton
  • Broadlands
  • Lansdowne
  • Dulles
  • Countryside
  • Sterling
  • Cascades
  • Leesburg
  • Here’s the latest list of local Ashburn area restaurants on their list:

    • Tokyo Sushi – Ashburn VA
    • The Dock – Lansdowne VA [EverythingAshburn.COM hears they have great seafood]
    • El Mariachi – Lansdowne VA
    • California Tortilla – Ashburn VA
    • PhoBistro – Ashburn VA
    • Noku – Ashburn VA
    • Trevio’s – Delivery Ashburn VA
    • Domani – Ashburn VA
    • Carolina Brothers BBQ – Ashburn VA
    • Tijuana Flats – Delivery Ashburn VA
    • Kirkpatrick’s Irish Pub – Ashburn VA
    • Anothai – Ashburn VA
    • Banjara Indian Cuisine – Ashburn VA
    • Robek’s – Broadlands VA
    • Maggie Moo’s – Broadlands VA
    • Smoothie King – Ashburn VA
    • Subway – Ashburn VA
    • JPs Deli Delivery – Ashburn VA
    • Mezza Grill Delivery – Ashburn VA
    • Ashburn SmokeHouse – Ashburn VA
    • Mediterranean Breeze – Ashburn VA
    • Cafe Rumi – Ashburn VA
    • Froots – Brambleton VA [EverythingAshburn.COM’s #1 recommendation SMOOTHIES]
    • My Thai – Brambleton VA [EverythingAshburn.COM’s #1 recommendation in the DC Metro for Thai]
    • Not Your Average Joes – Lansdowne VA [EverythingAshburn.COM’s #1 recommendation Eclectic]